119; fresh blood bug

when i set up remove 30% weakest strat every 10 gen  and i have 1000 strat on each island sqx removes only 200 of them ( 20%) which is not correct

when i set up remove 20% weakest strat every 5 gen  with 500 strat on ismand sqx removes 100 of them which is correct 

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  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal



clonex / Ivan Hudec

18.03.2019 03:08

Task created



18.03.2019 08:38
Voted for this task.


18.03.2019 20:23
Voted for this task.

clonex / Ivan Hudec

19.03.2019 04:41

Description changed:

when i set up remove 30% weakest strat every 10 gen  and i have 1000 strat on each island sqx removes only 200 of them ( 20%) which is not correct

when i set up remove 20% weakest strat every 5 gen  with 500 strat on ismand sqx removes 100 of them which is correct 


Mark Fric

19.03.2019 10:57

Status changed from New to Fixed

you were right, it is fixed now.

Votes: +2

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