[Build 123] UI un responsive when doing real tick test

Been doing A lot of real tick testing lately, here is some findings.

1. When starting Real tick test the start button stays green and if You push again you get notice that it already started. It usually stays like that for the whole run. It is the same on 4 putors of mine with different configuration. But it works if you first restart UI before doing the retest.  

2. After having moved strategies to retest from builder and change settings say from with OOS from builder to without OOS in retester only part of the strategies will actually update in result after test. Many times I have deleted strategies because the old IS/OOS before retest had not updated. So  after an retest I have to re start SQx to see the real result in order to be able to sort and delete them. Or you can retest them 3 times and they have all changed :).

A question.. The Heap memory chart shows one green part and one read part.  Usually the green part keeps building up wile the red part is being cleaned up. The green part is what we see uses the mem in task manager the red part is I guess what SQ really is using and green what it is blocking I suppose. Now if it is not using more then 10 gig why should it be blocking 40 gig ? This I can remove with a third party mem manager esially but SQ cant. This needs to fixed because it probably creates other problems in the system that makes the UI unresponsive.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




04.04.2019 07:52

Task created


Mark Fric

29.08.2019 08:35
two points fixed.

As for memory - green part is allocated heap, red part is actually used memory. If your red part is always only a very small portion of green part then you have too much memory allocated for SQ and you can decrease it. Having too much memory allocated when not needed could result in less-than-optimal memory management in Java, but it shouldn't cause problems. I have 32 GB allocated for SQ always, and it is working fine.

UI freezes are probably caused by something else, we are working on their roots.


Mark Fric

02.09.2019 10:05

Status changed from New to Fixed

Votes: 0

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