Starting Bar Delay, Bar Interval optimization

  1. I want to use 20 minutes starting delay before creating 30 minute bars. That means, my first 30 minute bar covers trading from 00:21 to 00:50
  2. I want to use the best bar interval for my strategy. May be, it it will give best profit if I use 34 minute bars instead of 22 minute bars. I want to optimize and use the best bar interval
  3. I want to add Robustness check for the strategy: Use t-1, t-2, t+1 and t+2 bar data (where t is the bar interval upon which strategy is created). If the strategy is also profitable on t-1, t-2, t+1 and t+2 bar data, then it is robust
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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




05.04.2019 17:06

Task created



05.04.2019 17:06
Voted for this task.

Mark Fric

28.05.2020 08:01

Status changed from New to Refused

this is possible with Sessions, but they don't work in MT4/5. SQ doesn't support this, because MT4/5 also doesn't supports this kind of barsĀ 

Votes: +1

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