version120 UI frozen

>  Not sure if it only occurs on my side, when I downloaded the new version
> installation and unpacked in my computer, different with version119
> folder, I opened the new SQX and activated it with license.
>  1st. it required benchmark and I click it but not response from user
> interface. I have to click “X” close the window.
>  2nd, reenter SQX again this time benchmark runs to 45% and UI was
> frozen. I have to X again.
>  3rd, reenter SQX and no benchmark requirement this time but when I
> click some actions like config , build or the guide links on 1st page
> , there’s no response from UI. I have to X again.
>  Then I tried several times and all like the 3rd step, UI was frozen
> within about 3 seconds.
>  So, now I am still using version 119. Attached a log file of version
> 120, hopes it can help to find out the problem.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




16.04.2019 01:57

Attachment log_2019_04_13.log added


Mark Fric

16.04.2019 10:30

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

UI frozen - does it mean that you saw black screen on the UI, or that it was still visible, but didn't react on clicking a mouse?

Unfortunately I didn't see anythign suspicious in the log. So you never got past the benchmark?



16.04.2019 11:12

Attachment UInow.jpg added

Hello Mark,

my UI frozen issue is that every thing looks fine but didn't react on clicking a mouse, only can click "close".  I checked the log file and found "

22:03:27.715 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO  c.strategyquant.webguilib.BrowserGUI - Exit application

22:03:28.776 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO  o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Stopped ServerConnector@6f6c6077{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}

22:03:28.777 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO  org.eclipse.jetty.server.session - node0 Stopped scavenging"

I personally felt maybe it was related to some limitations of net things, so I  installed a VPN,  trial version,  it can lead me to visit yutube, facebook and google. With this VPN, SQX version 120 UI is not frozened now. I compared its generation speed with version 119, i think it's faster than version119.

As you may known, some websites are forbidden to visit in my region. I am not sure what code has added in version 120 and made it firstly must to link a net address which is forbidden in my region, and it's different to version 119. If you could handle this, I think I don't need to buy an official VPN, which would cost 8 dollar per month.......and for sure, I don't want to back version 119 after I have tried version 120. See the attached picture about that VPN, it only needs to connect it just for the first 1 or 2 minutes after SQXversion 120 enter in UI,  then VPN can be disconnected and SQX version120 still works fine.

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