[120] [MultiCharts] Issues about the bar time of M60 and H1

I found that there is an issue about H1 time frame; please see screenshots.

The session time of TWF symbol is from 0845 to 13:45. 
As you can see in screenshot of slice data, the bar time of M60 and H1 are different from each other in Multicharts.

I guess the bar time of H1 TF in Tradestation engine may be different from MultiCharts.
I always use M60 instead of H1 in Multicharts. It may be the bug what causes me that always generate many big different results for H1 strategies between SQX and MultiCharts.

Furthermore, I suggest that SQX can add a functionality which based on M1 to generated any higher TFs, even higher than M60 in later build. Current this functionality of TS engine can't be compatible with MultiCharts. This is very important to MultiCharts users who use different shorter and longer TFs to run retester. It can't work without this functionality.

I work with 31 symbols, 8 TFs with each symbol. If I have to setup data in Data Manager for generating and retesting strategies purpose, that means I have to setup 248 times for TFs, and import files to update data 248 times for 248 TFs from time to time. It would be a very hard work and time consuming. If SQX implements the functionality as my suggestion, user will only maintain M1 data for each symbol.

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




19.04.2019 05:40

Task created



19.04.2019 05:43

Attachment H1_TF.jpg added

Attachment M60_TF.jpg added



22.04.2019 19:50
Voted for this task.


23.04.2019 09:09
if you using pivot indicator, this is a issue too

the pivot indicator code in easylanguage, using minutes to calculate the start hours of next day, so if we using the H1 timeframe, the result is not correct


Tomas Brynda

24.04.2019 13:39

Status changed from New to Fixed

I fixed the bar calculation algorithm and made tests comparing values from TS and MC with those in SQ. All tests were successful.Timeframes should be working well in the next release


24.04.2019 13:45
Tomas, thank you very much for your efforts. I’m so glad to hear this good news!

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