Improve existing strategy in a separate button for a multi-tasking analysis

Dear Marc,

in the older versions it was possible do the "Improve Existing Strategy" section in a separate button. Now It's integrated in the build section. My proposition is adding again the "Improve existing strategy" in a separate button, so we can do a improving a strategy meanwhile we build or retest other strategies.

thank you, Giuseppe Piloni

Improve aside.png
(333.48 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




02.05.2019 11:46

Task created


Mark Fric

28.07.2020 10:59

Status changed from New to Refused

you can use a Custom project for that. There can be mutiple custom projects running separately from the main Builder

Votes: 0

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