Export Trade analysis data for Multiple Strategies

Hi, im looking for help to export the trade analysis data for strategies. I want to export the data to a format such as csv or excel. Similar to how we can export trade list, a similar functionality but with trade analysis data. 

Is it possible to export trade analysis data and then do it in a way similar to trade list exporting in which you can select multiple? 

Thank you! 
Trade analysis Export_001.png
(338.01 KiB)
Trade analysis Export.pdf
(179.01 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




08.05.2019 22:40

Task created


Mark Fric

05.08.2020 09:48

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

this is an old task.

How exactly do you want to export it? To PDF ?



06.08.2020 17:26
user's comment

yes pdf would work or even an individual picture for each of the trade analysis images, the name of each file can be strategy_tradeanalysisName



06.08.2020 23:16
 PDF would be amazing! It would also be great to customize what gets exported if possible

Mark Fric

27.10.2020 13:25

Status changed from Waiting for information to Fixed

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Votes: 0

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