Bugs in the Datamanger

I notice that the datamanager still causes some problems. If I want to clone e.g. 1 minute data (other GMT) then it doesn't work. There is no source date file for History (see picture attached).

Furthermore, I noticed that if I clone 3 data at the same time, the Builder stops. Nothing moves in the Builder anymore. I can press the Stop button and it will stop working but as soon as I press Play again it will start, but will not go beyond the status "Initial".
Also the Retester doesn't work anymore when I clone data. The Retester starts, but never completes its tests.

Recently I tried to clone 5 data. When that already took 5 hours and the Builder didn't work any more, I tried to stop the cloning with the button "stop all"....that didn't work either. It looked like SQ would continue cloning but in truth nothing was moving any more
2019-05-17 19_36_01-Window.png
(3.20 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




17.05.2019 19:47

Task created



17.05.2019 19:53

Attachment Datamanager.mp4 added

Here i send you a video were you can see my problems maybe better

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