WFM task don't aplly Trading option settings

see attachements
set inf wfm task.png
(45.82 KiB)
after wfm.png
(18.92 KiB)
  • Votes +3
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




27.06.2019 13:31

Task created



28.06.2019 07:07
Voted for this task.


28.06.2019 18:35
Voted for this task.

Mark Fric

25.07.2019 13:09

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

can you attach your custom project?

Note that an option to optimize parameters of Trading options was added to Optimizer in build 122. If you have it turned on then it is a cause for this.



26.07.2019 17:06

Ano je to tím. Když to vypnu funguje to dle očekávání.

Chyba je podle mě to, že se první backtest strategie před zahájemím WFM udělá bez originálního nastaveníTrading options ze strategie a ukazuje tak zcela jiné výsledky než původní backtest.



26.07.2019 17:08
Yes, it is. When I turn it off it works as expected.

The mistake, I think, is that the first backtest strategy before starting WFM is done without the original setting of Trading options from the strategy and shows completely different results than the original backtest.


26.07.2019 19:59
Voted for this task.

Tomas Brynda

01.08.2019 13:16

Status changed from New to Fixed

I made some fixes - the current values of trading options inside parameters grid get updated automatically upon changing Trading options in advanced settings.

The current values are also saved into project config and are applied when testing the original strategy.


Mark Fric

02.08.2019 10:38

Status changed from Fixed to In progress

Attachment opt2.jpg added

Attachment opt1.jpg added

Attachment opt3.jpg added

ted jsem to testoval i v souvislosti s timto taskem:

jeste porad je tam chyba. Kdyz mam nastavenu optimalizaci i Trading options parametru a zaroven mam nejake Trading options nastavene v settings a spoustim to na All strategies in databank tak pri testu originalni strategie se nepouziji ty Trading options ze settings.

Kdyz optimalizuji jenom jednu strategii (Select, ne All in databank) tak se pouziji.

Stejne se pouziji kdyz nepovolim optimalizaci Trading options parametru.

Originalni startegie by vzdycky mela byt otestovana s temi nastavenimi ze Settings. A taky kdyz si otevru Strategy config pro WF result mel bych videt Trading options ze settings.


Tomas Brynda

02.08.2019 12:11

Status changed from In progress to Fixed

Votes: +3

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