[122] UI Crash

Dear SQ Team

I find that  SQX 122 has some bug below
1.The UI always blank when I start retest with MC simulation after a few minutes.
2.I have 3 monitor using together but when I move SQX to another monitor from current monitor it will always crash(freeze,no respond) between two monitor just like attachment.
I have try to turn off GPU setting in SQX, but it also.

(2.18 MiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




15.07.2019 11:30

Task created


Mark Fric

16.07.2019 08:32

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

1. it could be related to memory, do you ahve enough memory allocated for SQ?

Try running it with a small number of simulations, for example 10.

2. we haven't tested SQ with multiple monitors, it is possible there is some bug. We'll look at it.



16.07.2019 10:26
I have 32 GB memory to use SQX

and when UI crash memory  only use 70%

so, I don't know why it happen

About multiple monitors test , thank you very much.


Mark Fric

18.07.2019 11:50
2. we tried it with multiple monitors, but it works in our tests. Maybe it depends on the graphics driver and/or card. 

Do you also have three graphic cards, or just one card?



18.07.2019 12:39

Attachment 2019-07-18_183850.png added

I only have one graphic card and I already update my driver least new.



19.07.2019 07:41

Attachment 2019-07-19_133653.png added

About the first one issue

I find that it always happen UI crash but SQX still running especially in when I test with Monte Carlo test.

You can see that CPU is still has 89% usage, and memory only use 21.6 gb

But the UI was crash(freeze)


Mark Fric

19.07.2019 14:12

Attachment g1_gc.jpg added

how much memory do you have reserved for SQ? 

it still could be a memory issue, this high CPU usage can be caused by Java Garbage collector.

You can alternatively try G1 garbage collector, it mnight work better when you use a lot of memory - more than 16 GB.

about point 2. - from your first screenshot it is visible that you switched it when SQ was loading. Does it freeze also if you switch it to another monitor when SQ is fully loaded?

Can you attach a log ?



19.07.2019 15:15

Attachment 2019-07-19_210932.png added

Attachment StrategyQuantLog.rar added

Dear Mark

Attachment is my memory setting and I have 32 gb memory

I will try to change to G1.

Both conditions of SQX loading are the same if I change SQX to another monitor it will freeze .



20.07.2019 19:18

Attachment 2019-07-21_011349.png added

Hello Mark

I think I find how to prevent the crash.

I can prevent crash in SQX according to setup max memory use.

But it's still use more than my setting with no crash. Just like the graph.


Mark Fric

07.08.2019 09:23
I don't know how this is possible. This setting sets maximum memory limit for Java, it shouldn't use more memory.

Can you please attach also screenshot of heap chart from SQ and the file StrategyQuantX_nocheck.config from SQ folder?


Mark Fric

24.09.2019 13:50

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