Logic Query for Settings for Strategy Determination

Please install a function in SQX that indicates that a setting made will not result in any result.

As an example:

If I enter 60 at stability, but the maximum value is 1, no strategy can be created.
The program must point this out!

Currently it is even so that the program starts, which actually error, i.e. that stability cannot be entered at all over 1, does not show at all and shows under "rejected" all possible reasons......only not this.....

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




16.07.2019 07:21

Task created



16.07.2019 07:33
sorry, its a question of user :)


16.07.2019 08:03

Hankey....before you give your opinion without being asked, I ask you to first get to grips with the basics of SQX before you actually give only annoying and non-value-creating answers to questions that a person with your (alleged) knowledge should be able to answer easily.

Before you react to topics in the future I ask you to first think about whether what you say is actually true or whether you just say something to raise your counter......



16.07.2019 12:55
sorry to be rude or whatever...but you must understand one simple thing - through the whole app cant be done countermeasures against users knowledge

you see REJECTED stats?



16.07.2019 15:35

You're really funny. Exactly with this question you prove once more that you talk a lot, but what you say has no value.

If you had just set your settings to stability 60, you would have noticed that SQX does not display this error at all under REJECTED, but only lists other reasons.

Exactly for this reason I opened this post because I noticed this error.

If SQX had displayed this error under Rejected, I could have reacted.


A problem that can and should be solved.


Mark Fric

20.10.2020 14:43

Status changed from New to Refused

it is impossible to verify every possible value, some responsibility is also on user.

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