not correct values in "entry condition" column

the values of entry condition column is not correct

mostly it is using indicator from filtering condition, not from entry rule

for example this strategy - column EMA - but EMA is from filtering condition

entry rule is CLOSE DAILY

Strategy 227116.sqx
(46.63 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




20.07.2019 10:36

Task created


Mark Fric

22.07.2019 13:36
this is a misunderstanding - Entyr indicaotrs shows indicators in entry conditions, not in price levels for entry orders.

I added one more column PriceIndicators showing indicators used as price level.



22.07.2019 19:19
could be, but even that sometimes its not recognised correctly

sometimes the column is empty, even if there is some entry condition...

only TRUE value in entry condition could by empty column, but its not, the indicator from stop entry is taken

sometimes there are more indicators in column, if entry condition has more indicator, but in another strategy is only one indicator, even if the entry is with more indic...

etc. etc.

try to generate some random strategies and you will see how it "works"


Mark Fric

23.07.2019 10:27

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

it recognizes only indicators, not every block in entry condition. So if your condition consists of price or something it wil be not shown.

Please attach few of your strategies that don't have anything there., I'll look if I can add other types there.



23.07.2019 11:12

Attachment Strategy 212154.sqx added

only TRUE in condition - column BARandTIME?


23.07.2019 11:13

Attachment Strategy 253149.sqx added

MACD - column MACD,TEMA - but TEMA is in the entry, not in the conditions


23.07.2019 11:15

Attachment Strategy 813176.sqx added

condition HIGHDAILY, LOWDAILY - column EMA, but this is the entry


23.07.2019 11:16

Attachment Strategy 112187.sqx added

CLOSEDAILY,OPEN - column empty

Mark Fric

23.07.2019 11:55

Status changed from Waiting for information to Fixed

Attachment blocks.jpg added

ok, I added few more types that it can recognize.

It will be ready in build 123. You'll have to retest the strategies to clear its cache and see these new values.

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