"Replaced with better strategy" - question

I'm not sure how it works. What means better ?
I'm using random generation to check all combinations. Often worse strategies pas the robustnes tests because are 'not perfect' and this filter may delete them.
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




03.08.2019 14:13

Task created



03.08.2019 17:28
From what I understand, if two strategies have identical code and one has higher fitness, the one with higher fitness is considered better and will replace the one that is less optimized. 


03.08.2019 21:22
If code is identical result should be also identical so fitnes too


04.08.2019 14:48
Incorrect. You can have a slight tweak in a similar strategy and improve fitness by a lot. You should play around with improving strategies for yourself and see how much tweaking small parameters can drastically improve a strategies performance. This would change the value of certain parameters without changing the underlying code much at all.

Mark Fric

06.08.2019 08:17

Status changed from New to Refused

task system is not for questions, use forum for that.

Replaced with better strategy means that these two strategies are very similar - for example they differ in one parameter only - and the other one has better fitness.

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