SQ shutdown

I experience quite often sudden program shutdown. I reinstall it and nothing better. Next step is to windows reinstall - I don't want to do that.

Every time similar file is created. Maybe you know what’s the problem ?

(76.13 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




26.08.2019 21:52

Task created


Mark Fric

28.08.2019 09:03

Description changed:

I experience quite often sudden program shutdown. I reinstall it and nothing better. Next step is to windows reinstall - I don't want to do that.

Every time similar file is created. Maybe you know what’s the problem ?

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

isn't this an issue of using too little memory|? I see you have 9 GB configured for SQ, how much RAM do you have on computer?

And what kind of project are you running when it crashes? Can you attach your config?

SQ X is quite stable, crashes are usually caused when it exhausts all the memory.



28.08.2019 23:31

Description changed:

I experience quite often sudden program shutdown. I reinstall it and nothing better. Next step is to windows reinstall - I don't want to do that.

Every time similar file is created. Maybe you know what’s the problem ?

Attachment sample.cfx added

I have 16GB, 15 cores + 1 UI

Project is more less as attached. I generate max 4000 strategies and start testing. I Never use optimizer in workflow. Crash or even computer reset is sometime 1 or 2 hours after start, project has less then 1000 strategies total. But there was a time when everything worked weeks/months without crash. So far full load since last crash and it is ok.

Let say for two options 16  and 32 GB. Should I choose 'optimal' or 'manual' in memory setup ?  if manual what size ?


Mark Fric

29.08.2019 09:02

Description changed:

I experience quite often sudden program shutdown. I reinstall it and nothing better. Next step is to windows reinstall - I don't want to do that.

Every time similar file is created. Maybe you know what’s the problem ?

what memory config do you use now? "Recommended" ?

I think you should always use manual, and set it to 70-80% of your RAM.

So if you have 16 GB RAM set it to 12-14 GB, if you have 32 GB RAM then 16 GB could be enough if you don't run too difficult projects, or you can increase it to 24-28 GB.

Allocating more memory for SQ is not a bad thing.

When you use Recommended option, then Java determines memory and it usually uses too little memory for SQ purposes.



29.08.2019 22:14

Description changed:

I experience quite often sudden program shutdown. I reinstall it and nothing better. Next step is to windows reinstall - I don't want to do that.

Every time similar file is created. Maybe you know what’s the problem ?

Before it I set memory manualy to 9 or 10 GB. I have changed to 12 GB and works good so far. Thank's for help.

Mark Fric

30.08.2019 08:07

Status changed from Waiting for information to Fixed

I'm glad it works, as I said crashes are usually related to too little memory used

Votes: 0

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