122; Stochastic block issue

I want to modify predefined sets on STOCHASTIC  in predefined conditions. When i click to apply my sets sqx gives me mssg that 12  conditions were modified.  

It is not true bcs only some of them were modified.  (pic.2)

I guess the reason is that in these unmodified conditions some parameters are missing ( which is logically )


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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal



clonex / Ivan Hudec

27.08.2019 09:42

Task created


clonex / Ivan Hudec

27.08.2019 09:44
Another possible bug is that in conditions in picture 2  is not possible to add sets

clonex / Ivan Hudec

27.08.2019 09:51
Same problems with RSI and other blocks. Point is that is differnece between blocks which are using Levels and others. I would suggest to change notifications and make user info about correct modified blocks.

Tomas Brynda

29.08.2019 11:27

Status changed from New to Fixed

There was a bug, the parameters sets were tried to apply to all blocks of the same indicator, but some of the blocks had different parameters.

I fixed the code so the parameters inside parameter sets are checked in every block and applied only if possible.

If the target block doesn't contain a specific parameter, it is removed from the set. Missing parameters are added into sets using random generation by default.

Votes: 0

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