Allow SQx to use more then 64 logical processors

This will not change and SQx has do be adapted. Below MS link gives some info in the end on how to do this.

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




30.08.2019 03:55

Task created



05.10.2019 10:07
Please add this for future proofing if SQX does not have this capability already


05.10.2019 10:07
Voted for this task.

Mark Fric

07.10.2019 08:51

I believe SQ X doesn’t have limitation on 64 cores, but we have no way to verify it because we don’t have this kind of system.


But I have dual Xeon machine with 48 cores and it works on all cores.  There is no inherent limitation in SQ, if Java sees the cores then SQ will see it and will be able to use it. And I don’t think Java is limited to 64 cores.


It might be an issue of configuration – perhaps something in BIOS related to NUMA. I think it was discusses on this forum somewhere, perhaps some other users have experience about this.



07.10.2019 10:21
Marc is correct - tested in more than 64 cores and is runnig @ full power on all cores.


07.10.2019 10:42
Loonly, What machine do you have please show a scrren dump.  I have never managed to make this work on neither one of my  2 Xeon 80 threads machines and there is more people then me then me that have the same issue with this using all kinds of mother boards,   We manage to use all cores thought by turning of Hyperthreading in Bios.

Mark Fric

17.02.2020 11:28

Status changed from New to Refused

this is a PC / BIOS configuration issue. I'm not sure how exactly to configure it becaue I have no way to test it, but there is no limitation in SQ for number of cores.

It would be useful if somebody who made this work could publish how exactly they set it up.

Votes: +1

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