highest/lowest in range

i see that the HIGHEST/LOWEST IN RANGE was in B123 put outside the MQL code and instead of that new custom indicators was made

but i cant see any highest/lowest in range as a building block in SQX

am i missing something?

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




01.09.2019 10:28

Task created


Mark Fric

02.09.2019 09:46

Status changed from New to Refused

highest/lowest in range are only used internally, not as usable building blocks.


02.09.2019 09:51
why the hell we have those blocks in the old SQ and not now in SQX?

and why there is some spare MQL code in strategy files and why are now some 2 custom indicators which users cant use?


Mark Fric

02.09.2019 10:31
these two blocks can be used in AlgoWizard when you create strategy manually. 

They are not used in SQ for generation, because they are based on time From-To, and generating correct time range depends on timeframe, etc. 

We don't have support for correct generation of time parameters in SQ X yet, and there still would be issues when you retest it on another timeframe.

That's why the blocks are not included in automated generation.



30.07.2020 14:03
we have now HIR and LIR in the building blocks - but opposite for HIR is still HIR, not LIR .... doenst make sense for symmetrical strats

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