124; BarDay and number bug

Hi i received this type of strategies and i have turned off NUMBER in indicators.  What exactly means Bar Day of Week and how it works? 
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Strategy 320653.sqx
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal



clonex / Ivan Hudec

09.09.2019 11:37

Task created


Tomas Brynda

28.11.2019 09:34

Status changed from New to Fixed

Hi Clonex,

Bar Day Of Week returns a number of a day of a week. Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2 etc.

In this case only ShortEntrySignal may be triggered, because the condition in LongEntrySignal doesn't make sense.

You can turn off Bar Day Of Week block in Building blocks Signals settings so it won't be used in a building process.

We will add an auto-check of these kinds of values so it doesn't generate nonsense conditions.

Thank you

Best regards, 


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