Different result re-testing strategies with each engine

Just for curiosity I retested 146 strategies using each trading engine. The result with MT4 and MT5 is 87 failed. However, with Multicharts and Tradestation the result is 90 failed. I now this is a small difference, but I would have expected the same results inside SQX. Are these results surprising to anyone? See video for more details.
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




16.09.2019 14:17

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20.09.2019 13:09

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Please attach the strategies + retester config

Mark Fric

23.09.2019 14:35

Status changed from Waiting for information to Refused

it is not suprising, each trading engine trades differently. Usually the differences in trading are not as big, but sometimes the results could be very different.

You have to realize that Tradestation/MultiCharts engines handle trading in a quite different way than MetaTrader.

Stability across multiple trading engine could be used as additional robustness test, but I would say that you shgould use the engine you intend to use.

If you are MT4 user, you don't need to use tradestation engine at all.



25.09.2019 10:26
Sorry, I did not ready your replies earlier. I had to clear the databank, so I do not have the strategies anymore.

Thanks Mark. It makes sense.

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