make a new databank for portfolios

why merged strategies are stored in "results" databank...

it doesnt make sense to me, in results we have strategies from which we are making portfolios...its not user friendly to search "merged portfolio" in here

i want to see portfolios in another databank - same behavior as it is in QA - new databank "portfolios" should be made after we click merge strategies

when the user will be on this databank - new button will be added for splitting and merging

the same as it is in QA

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Archived
  • Priority Normal
  • Assignee None




19.09.2019 10:36

Task created



20.09.2019 00:02

I know the problem to look for the "portfolio" in the list. But in fact this makes it possible to play around with different portfolios and compare them very fast. So I am not really sure, if the separation really helps.

Would it be nice if there is a column for "Type", so you can easily sort out the "portfolios" from the "eas".



20.09.2019 07:38
but this will not be a problem - we will have separate databank "portfolios" where every portfolio will be stored

for now we have portfolios with name "merged portfolio" between hundreds of strategies

by the way, we have already type portfolio in the column "symbol" - but this column could also represent multimarket strategy

there are another issues with the merged portfolio, they have some "pseudo code" and "strategy config" and if you want to make retest of strategies and have also merged portfolio in the databank results, the portfolio will be retested :) but the result is by the first strategy in the portfolio, not the portfolio itself

so there need be done changes deffinietly



04.11.2019 07:17
Voted for this task.


04.11.2019 07:18
please add to b125, still confusing if i have merged portfolio in a databank with strategies

Mark Fric

26.11.2020 10:59

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