Options Ladder Simulator

This will most certainly be in the backlog for a very long time. However, I do believe this is an important feature to work on in the late future. 

It is pretty self explanatory. Create a customizable options latter for assets that have have underlying spot option derivates complete with option greeks/rollovers etc. Developing strategies for options markets is very difficult. SQX would be the perfect medium in order to bridge this gap if this could be successfully implemented. 

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Archived
  • Priority Normal
  • Assignee None
  • Milestone Archived (To be done later)




26.09.2019 18:19

Task created


Mark Fric

02.10.2019 15:23

Milestone changed from None to To be done later

thank you, but working with options is very low on our priorities right now

Mark Fric

16.02.2020 13:52

Status changed from New to Archived

Votes: 0

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