[124] SQX Crash black screen

Dear SQ Team

I meet the issue about crash with SQX.
In this process I run 2 projects and optimizer together.
I find that maybe about the CPU usage over the setting
I setting 5 cores for SQX use(totaly 8 cores)
But it still also use more than 5 cores cpu when project are running MC.
And it will happen error " cannot create indicator" on the log.

(172.54 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




03.10.2019 17:16

Task created



04.10.2019 04:47

Description changed:

Dear SQ Team

I meet the issue about crash with SQX.
In this process I run 2 projects and optimizer together.
I find that maybe about the CPU usage over the setting

I setting 5 cores for SQX use(totaly 8 cores)

But it still also use more than 5 cores cpu when project are running MC.

And it will happen error " cannot create indicator" on the log.

Attachment 2019-10-04_104725.png added



04.10.2019 06:52

Attachment 2019-10-04_125137.png added


Mark Fric

09.10.2019 13:51

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

can you please attach the log file and also your custom project config?

How much memory do you have configured for SQ? 

It looks like it could be caused by SQ using too much memory.



09.10.2019 16:07

Attachment 0_DE30_B.cfx added

Attachment 0_DE30_S.cfx added

Attachment log_2019_10_02.log added

Attachment log_2019_10_03.log added

Attachment log_2019_10_04.log added

Attachment log_2019_10_05.log added

Attachment 2019-10-09_220246.png added


Mark Fric

10.10.2019 11:15

Status changed from Waiting for information to Refused

Attachment memory.jpg added

it is as I thought - the problm with these messages "Cannot create indicator" and also SQ crashes is caused by out of memory error.

Most probably running all the projects and optimizer at once exhausted all available  memory, you should change your cofiguration, run less things in parallel, or increase amount of RAM for SQ.

When you have memory problems please check Heap chart sometimes when SQ is running. 

Green area is your total allocated memory - this is the number you see also in Task manager.

Red area is actually used memory - it is fluctuating as objects in memory are created and deleted. 

When you use full available memory (green area is up to the top) the red area shouldnt be more than 70-80% of the whole memory. So for example, if you have 16 GB allocated for SQ, your actual usage (red area) shouldn't be bigger than 12-13 GB.

If it is bigger it means SQ doesn't have enough free memory for its operations and you either have to increase memory or change your configuration.



10.10.2019 11:42
Dear Mark

 But when I use the same setting, it will not happen in 122. Only in 124.

So, maybe the crash is not with memory, it is cause by testfile like this topic



Mark Fric

10.10.2019 13:52
Steve, there were changes and improvements in paralellization in every build. 

Most probably B 124 uses CPU more effectively than B 122, which means it is running more jobs in parallel, or more things insie de one job, and that is why it also takes more memory.



10.10.2019 16:21
Dear Mark

OK, I see.

But, is it possible to control the cpu useages situation with the setting? because it maybe it is the one of reasons with crash.

Thank you.


Mark Fric

11.10.2019 08:32
yes, you can configure SQ to use less CPU cores. This might help.

Or alternatively, you can run two instances of SQ, and run only one custom project on each instance.

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