Not all results in the optimization profile

During optimizations it seems that not all results are load into the optimization profile.

See the highlighted boxes on the annexed picture: in databank there are 8100 optimizations + the original strategy, but in the optimization profile there are 4285 optimizations only .
I’m a coach in Sapienza Finanziaria and also an our student reported the same problem .

He performed about 50000 optimizations, but in the databank he found about 15000 only and in the optimization profile about 2000 only.

(118.33 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




07.10.2019 11:46

Task created



08.10.2019 19:41

Description changed:

During optimizations it seems that not all results are load into the optimization profile.

See the highlighted boxes on the annexed picture: in databank there are 8100 optimizations + the original strategy, but in the optimization profile there are 4285 optimizations only .
I’m a coach in Sapienza Finanziaria and also an our student reported the same problem .

He performed about 50000 optimizations, but in the databank he found about 15000 only and in the optimization profile about 2000 only.

Attachment optimization_profile.png added

Other case study: I have all optimizations (40500) in the optimization profile but only 21268 records in the databank.
I've properly select "store all optimizations into databank" and maximum strategies to store in databank set to 50.000

Mark Fric

09.10.2019 13:37

Description changed:

During optimizations it seems that not all results are load into the optimization profile.

See the highlighted boxes on the annexed picture: in databank there are 8100 optimizations + the original strategy, but in the optimization profile there are 4285 optimizations only .
I’m a coach in Sapienza Finanziaria and also an our student reported the same problem .

He performed about 50000 optimizations, but in the databank he found about 15000 only and in the optimization profile about 2000 only.

Status changed from New to Fixed

there was a bug, it will be fixed in Build 125

Votes: 0

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