Why do I have a strategy dismissal with initial population?

Dear Mark Fric,

as you can see in the attached picture, many strategies are dismissed in initial population. It's would be normal If I would have some filters on inital population strategies, but I didn't have set any filter. So, why 10% of strategies are filtered nevertheless? It's a bug or there is a hidden filter not set by the user that I forget?

Thank you very much for your help.
Giuseppe Piloni

(70.05 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




03.12.2019 17:46

Task created



04.12.2019 04:35
Please upload your config file to show what settings you had.


04.12.2019 06:59
its simple - initial populatis is initial population and most probably those initial population (random strategies) dont meet your ranking criteria, so they are dismissed, but genetics work with them


06.12.2019 14:59

Attachment set.cfx added

Attachment Strategy 1148.sqx added

@hankeys: there are not ranking criteria.

@Keinc: here attached.


Mark Fric

20.03.2020 08:51

Status changed from New to Refused

ALL strategies in initial population are automatically dismissed and not saved to databank. It is like this because initial population is verified only with filters in Genetic evoluiton settings, not with filters you have in Results - for performance and other reasons.

So the strategies start to be filteres and added to databank only after the initial generation.

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