124; not possible to open 126 strats

Bcs correl matrix in 126  function doesnt work i had an idea to open 126 strat in  124 but it is not possible . 
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal



clonex / Ivan Hudec

07.12.2019 15:35

Task created


clonex / Ivan Hudec

07.12.2019 15:37

Attachment Capture.png added


Mark Fric

15.01.2020 13:28

Status changed from New to Refused

we cannot fix it in 124. As we improve the format the old versions might not be fully compatible.

I improved the loading code so that it shoudl load the file even if there is some change in format - the changed part is ommitted, and the rest is loaded. But it will work only from now on. 


clonex / Ivan Hudec

21.01.2020 11:29
OK no problem

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