Money management customization

Dear Fric,

when we make a strategy with different commodities Cfd or Index Cfd, many times it is necessary select different position sizing for the additional markets. For example, if we trade with Sp500 as main market, and Dax30 as secondary market, we need the possibility of select a different number of fixed lots with the two markets. For example, 2 lots for Sp500, 1 lot for Dax. I know, we can use the fixed risk, but so we give up the fixed risk with markets very heterogeneous. Futher, we could add the possibility of select different initial capital for different market; for the main market and for the secondary market.

Thank you very much,
Giuseppe Piloni

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Duplicate
  • Priority Normal
  • Assignee None




23.12.2019 16:42

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Mark Fric

26.11.2020 11:03

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