Licensing costs

It would be really good to have better licensing model and would be good if you guys moved from a 1 size fits all license to:

  1. A per month license option
  2. Keep the 1 time purchase option
  3. A per CPU Core or per CPU Thread licensing model. Currently I can purchase a license and it costs me the same, whether I run it on a 2 core / 4 thread PC or a 64 core / 128 thread Server

It would be better to pay for what I use and pay a monthly license, instead of having to be hit all at once with a massive license cost and be limited by available servers for my license. For example, I would really prefer to rent a 64 core / 128 thread server with a lot of CPU power to make the most of my SQX license, but they're simply not available unless I pay huge sums of money per month. Instead I would need to rent 4x 16 core / 32 thread servers and pay for 4 x SQX licences to get the same benefit I would with 1 x SQX license on a 64 core server if it was available.

This would also tie in nicely with your roadmap for development to incorporate distributed computing and all consumers of SQX would only pay for the consumption they need and will not feel unfairly treated.
It will also (hopefully) allow users to sell CPU power to other users like MT5 does now to help users help eachother out with unused computing power inbetween testing sessions.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Archived
  • Priority Normal
  • Assignee None




02.01.2020 13:40

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Mark Fric

26.11.2020 11:04

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