Mass task editing for Custom Projects

Would be great if there were mass editing features for the tasks of Custom Projects. This would begin with the ability to multi-select the tasks. From there, it would be helpful if we could:

1. Delete multiple tasks
2. Copy multiple tasks - Please prompt for new task names (instead of just assigning one)
3. Move multiple tasks

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Archived
  • Priority Normal
  • Assignee None




05.03.2020 22:44

Task created



05.03.2020 23:08

Description changed:

Would be great if there were mass editing features for the tasks of Custom Projects. This would begin with the ability to multi-select the tasks. From there, it would be helpful if we could:

1. Delete multiple tasks
2. Copy multiple tasks - Please prompt for new task names (instead of just assigning one)
3. Move multiple tasks


Mark Fric

10.03.2021 12:42

Status changed from New to Archived

Votes: 0

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