Global parameter settings

The new custom blocks feature is great. However, I'm finding that once you've built quite a lot of these for a particular indicator and added them to random groups then it's a real pain if you want to amend a standard parameter setting across all the blocks, e.g. changing a period from 5:50:5 to 10:100:10 across 20+ custom blocks in a random group. It would be fantastic if you could create a parameter setting as a named variable. This could then be selected when creating a custom block. That way if you ever wanted to update all the parameter settings you would just change the variable and the change would be reflected across all blocks that used that variable.

This could probably work for all other indicators/signals rather than just custom blocks. I realise there is the option to "Apply to all blocks of the same indicator" but this won't work for me as I often have different settings for the same block, e.g. my Level setting is different for 'higher than' vs 'lower than'.

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  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Archived
  • Priority Normal
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29.04.2020 11:12

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Mark Fric

10.03.2021 13:40

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