SQX not generating the correct number of strategies

I've been testing my new custom blocks one by one to check they work I expect. However, I've have noticed that in some cases SQX doesn't generate all the possible combinations. I've attached a custom project config with one of these instances - it should generate 50 strategies but it only generates 48. Let me know if you need any other files...
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Duplicate
  • Priority Normal
  • Assignee Mark Fric
  • Milestone Build 129




29.04.2020 13:51

Task created



29.04.2020 14:05
I should mention that I ran this once and went through every strategy to log the combination of parameters used. This identified the two missing combinations. I then ran it again, logged the combinations and the two missing ones were different to the first run.

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