Symetric HeikenAshiOpen trading signal

SQ has generated a strategy with these trading rules, which should be symmetrical:

LongEntrySignal = (HeikenAshiOpen(Main chart)[1] = Lowest(Main chart, Period, PRICE_WEIGHTED)[1]);
ShortEntrySignal = (HeikenAshiOpen(Main chart)[1] <> Highest(Main chart, Period, PRICE_WEIGHTED)[1]);

The problem is that opposite of "= Lowest" is not "<> Highest", but only "= Highest" I think. It looks like the SQ negated the equality and Lowest operation independently instead as a one operation.
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




01.05.2020 21:41

Task created



02.05.2020 07:55
EQUAL and NOT EQUAL is nonsense

because EQUAL will be most probably never TRUE


Mark Fric

04.05.2020 12:22

Status changed from New to Refused

it is not possible to verify every possible combination of comparisong and conditions. 

I agree with hankeys, using =,<> for comparing indicators has a little value and probably it is better to not use it.

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