AW doesn't remember custom blocks or random groups correctly

I've created a strategy template with random groups and custom blocks. If I save this strategy template, open up a new template and then immediately load the original strategy template again then I get the attached prompt to say a custom block has changed. However,  none of them have - I've simply loaded a new template and gone back in again.

After I've clicked through the prompts for every custom block (annoying) I then get another prompt (also attached) to say the random blocks have changed... which they haven't. I then have to click through all of these.

I could attach all the relevant files but my hunch is that this isn't anything to do with the files I'm using and you guys could easily replicate.

custom block prompt.png
(24.16 KiB)
random group prompt.png
(14.23 KiB)
  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




02.05.2020 19:07

Task created



02.05.2020 22:56
Just to mention that I'm  getting these prompts when I load templates that don't even have any random groups or custom blocks


03.05.2020 09:26
Voted for this task.


03.05.2020 09:27
i have the same issue, even if i have custom blocks already in the SQX he wants to import them and make another copy of the block


03.05.2020 09:33
and another issue is that if i want to delete a cutom block and click the cross next to the opposite block, it will firstly delete only the opposite block, not the full block


03.05.2020 09:36
third thing is that if i load a strategy with custom block i havent, it will not recognise the missing lock and let me the strategy to retest - but results are only zeros

only way how to get custom blocks from strategy to SQX is by edit - strategy and by putting this strategy to ALGW it will recognise the missing blocks

this should work in retester too, if i click apply settings, it should popup that i have missing blocks



06.05.2020 09:52
Hi Jakub. Are you also able to confirm when the strategy template is updated if I change a random group? If I load a strategy template, then change and save some linked random groups, then resave the strategy template - will these changes in the random blocks be saved in the strategy template? At the moment to be on the safe side I make the changes and save the random groups, then load a strategy template and select 'use existing' when prompted. Then I save the template.


06.05.2020 15:09
Great, thanks. Any chance you could make the options for both groups and block in the same order? I think the 'use existing' option is second in one list and third in the other.

Votes: +1

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