Custom blocks: Be able to create stand alone conditions for period parameters

I'm trying to build some custom blocks for moving average crossovers/comparisons. I'd like to be able to define the period range for the fast MA to be 10:50:5 and the slow MA to be 30:200:10 - this will allow me to look at tight ranges at low levels to wide ranges at the top end. However, these ranges could result in the fast MA being 40 and the slow MA being 30 which doesn't make sense.

I've currently built a few blocks with conditions that create ranges, e.g. RSI > Level1 and RSI < Level2. To solve the issue with different ranges that overlap each other I have included another condition that states Level2 > (Level1 + 20). This works perfectly. However, in this case the Level parameter is an integer and the MA parameter is a period and you can't create conditions for period parameters on their own :-(

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  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




06.05.2020 13:45

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