Custom project automatic retest task cross check not working as configured

I've got an automatic retest task (addMkts) with an additional markets cross check on it where win% for every one of 6 markets has to exceed a certain value. Every strategy was passing this task which made me think something wasn't right so I set the win% to 90% and still every strategy passed. That can't be correct.

I've attached the custom project config and the strategies from before and after the task. The databank names line up with the task names.

highPrec before.rar
(189.74 KiB)
(79.95 KiB)
addMkts after.rar
(354.54 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




07.05.2020 00:21

Task created

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