add extern "start_trading_day" and "end_trading_day"

if we want to trade futures contracts by MT5 in AMP broker we need to rollover our positions manuallly to different contracts months

but i can now open two windows, in each the same strategy

in MESM i will set end trading day to 12.9.2020 and for MESU i will set start trading day to 12.9.2020

so the EA will automatically rollover

i can use it very well for the EOF strategies, and set the correct Saturday the ending and starting

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




11.05.2020 18:28

Task created


Mark Fric

13.05.2020 11:32

Status changed from New to Refused

we'll not this as a feature to SQ. If you need something like this it is better to create a custom Trading option snippet for it.

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