Cross check Additional markets config improvements

1. add option to Load/Save settings only for cross check Additional markets. We can save it in XML format, but the extension could be .cca so that it is easily identified.

Load should also support .sqx and .cfx files - it will load config of this cross check from a strategy or project config.

2. add load/save/add buttons to the top and bottom - when there are many markets it should be available

3. add option to not ask for confirmation when deleting for this session. It will ask again after SQ restart.

4. there already is an option to Load/Save config for all cross checks, ti should be improved:
- format should be XML, but file extension should be .ccc so that it is easily identified
- it should support also .sqx and .cfx format, allowing loading cross checks from existing startegy or config
- when loading it should display simple dialog where user chooses with checkboxes which configs he wants to load - he doesn't need to load configs for all cross checks. By default all will be selected.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal



Mark Fric

27.05.2020 10:28

Task created



27.05.2020 14:11
why to complicate with another saving feature - i can save/load the crosschecks already and if i want to disable/enable something it can be done with one click

Mark Fric

28.05.2020 07:54
you are right, it is probably not important. So points 1. ad 2. will nbe not done, but points 3. and 4. should be done.

Mark Fric

09.07.2020 08:13
on second thought, we should make load+save separately also for additional markets, it is very complex config.

So all points 1.,2., 3., 4. should be implemented

Votes: 0

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