129 Dev 6 Small UI Bug - Detailed Section (Rejected) does not center window when application is half screen

For some reason the Detailed section for rejected strategies does not center the window when SQX is half screen. The detailed section for accepted strategies does center the window though so thats why I believe this is a small UI bug. 
Screen Shot 2020-07-13 at 110253 PM.png
(1.10 MiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




14.07.2020 05:07

Task created



14.07.2020 05:28
I just realized this popup window could be moved, so its even less of an issue. I don't believe I moved it into the most left position originally so it would be nice to auto center on opening it but its not that big of a deal now that I know it can be moved so this task can be closed if you dont want to bother with auto-centering.


16.07.2020 12:08
Monitor resolution is 1080p and I was using half of the window. I also did not drag it with the mouse, I only shortened the window by half. Regardless, I don't think its that big of a deal as the window can be moved manually to the center of the screen. 

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