SQX Autoregression test


All these the bugs handing around and frequent regressions from version leads to my feature request.

I would like to have capability either as part of GUI or direct backed API calls to perform automatic regression tests (backed engine is doable, gui is hard and not our business )

Use case 1: As end user I would like to export as a test case specific strategy/data-bank/by filter
Use case 2: As end user I would like to re-execute recorded test case and compare results on a different SQX engine.
Use case 3: As a light version I would like to compares two databanks in WF and get summary report what went wrong.

I believe it's an essential product functionality. We cannot retest hundreds of strategies and hope to spot a difference.

Thank you.


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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




15.07.2020 13:47

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