b129dev6 - Category disapeared in AW Random Groups


in AW in Random Groups, I created new group "Group 1" and new Category "test1" via button "+Add group" - see screen nr. 1.

Then I click on button "Change category" -> Create new: test2 and save. And category is correctly changed to test2 - see screen nr. 2.

But problem is, that now category "test1" dissapeared, when want to again change back to category "test1", there is not - see sreen nr. 3. 

Looks like it always remembers only the last created category

screen nr 3.jpg
(114.73 KiB)
screen nr 1.jpg
(131.31 KiB)
screen nr 2.jpg
(116.51 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority High




17.07.2020 09:15

Task created


Mark Fric

17.07.2020 11:18

Priority changed from Normal to High



17.07.2020 16:17
Thank you for quick explanation! I thought, it works similar as variables - I can prepare variables in advance, and they are "waiting" to be used/assigned later depending how project is developing. So maybe you could change this to "feature"? As it could be helpful to create more "categories" in advance, and they will "wait" to be assigned.

Thank you and all the best!

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