Important feature Multiple strategies on same symbol for TradeStation and Non-Hedging MT5 platforms

Can you add ability to run multiple automated strategies on the same symbol that can go long and go short independently, even though actual account only reflects the net position. Additionally it should be possible to analyse and report the trade execution histories strategy by strategy.

Without doing this "portfolio strategy trading" from SQX is not really useful other than MT4. So this is a necessary feature especially for trading in a Non-hedge 
MT5 and TradeStation platforms (and others like JForex) and mainly impacts trading of stocks and futures.

There is a sample Virtual Order Manager article for MT5 non-hedged platform . Could something like this be integrated into MQL5 and TradeStation code generated from SQX please?

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  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal



Mark Fric

11.09.2020 12:56

Status changed from New to Refused

SQ is a strategy generator and research platform, it cannot provide features like these. These are custom things needed for every platform.


11.09.2020 18:01
problem is that we dont have solution for MT5 netted accounts -  and it should be simple, because we know how the trades are handled - and we need the portfolio MQL file for MT5 netted


08.12.2020 21:45
Voted for this task.

Votes: +2

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