Strategy Template support mathematical conditional logic

Please you add support to be able to maths based conditional logic. This can help build more complex strategies.

Let's say there are 10 signals, but to enter when 8 of them produce signals. Obviously each of the conditions and the number 8 itself should be optimisable.

numConditions = 0
numConditions = numConditions + [Condition 1]
numConditions = numConditions + [Condition 2]
numConditions = numConditions + [Condition 3]
numConditions = numConditions + [Condition 4]
numConditions = numConditions + [Condition 5]
numConditions = numConditions + [Condition 6]
numConditions = numConditions + [Condition 7]
numConditions = numConditions + [Condition 8]
numConditions = numConditions + [Condition 9]
numConditions = numConditions + [Condition 10]

IF numConditions > 7
THEN Buy at Market price

IF [Negation of numConditions > 7]
THEN Sell at Market price

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal

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