Always being get stuck in the optimization process after getting started with few minutes

My SQX 128 is always being get stuck in the optimization process after getting the process started with few minutes.

Occurs this issue no matter what config of optimization I set in Optimizer while the optimization task in the custom project has same situation.

Once my SQX gets stuck, all the SQX functions are not available to run. (e.g., Press Start of Builder, GUI has also no any response to me)
At this moment, the only way to restore SQX is to terminate the SQX (Zulu Platform x64 Architecture (24)) in Windows task manager, and re-launch SQX again.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




09.08.2020 12:09

Task created


Mark Fric

17.08.2020 14:32

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

I'm sorry, but I canntp reproduce it. Aren't you runing out of memory?

How much memory do you have configured in SQ? It would help me if you could make a screenshot where I can see the healp chart in Progress window.

Also, please attach your optimizaiton config, perhaps it has something to do with your configuration.


Mark Fric

27.10.2020 13:36

Status changed from Waiting for information to Refused

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