Randomly choose "x" blocks every new generation of Initial population

The idea is to add an option that let the user to set a "x" number of blocks that SQX can randomly choose to generate the initial population before to start the genetic evolution.

Once the evolution is finished, if the option "Start again when finished (continuous repeating evolution)" is enabled, SQX again will randomly choose others "x" different number of blocks and so on.
Actually the option "Randomly choose 100 blocks" is present in "Building blocks" section but it is fixed for every new initial generation, my proposal will allow instead to further diversify the strategies produced with genetic evolution because every initial generation different "x" blocks will be used.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




09.08.2020 12:20

Task created


Mark Fric

17.08.2020 11:36

Status changed from New to Refused

I don't see a reason for this . YOu can select all your blocks and SQ will generate new initial population randomly, it doesn't use all the available blocks.

Votes: 0

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