Replace pending order true v129

when export strategy version 129 to mt4 replace pending order is true when me strategy is disabled.
mt4 replace pending orders.png
(45.42 KiB)
sqx replace pending orders.png
(38.07 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




13.08.2020 11:33

Task created



13.08.2020 12:01
i think that this is not the same setting - you have replacing set to false in your strategy, so the pending order will not be replaced

but if you have set replacing to true - the replacing could happen in 2 methods - modify or delete and place new pending order. By modifying you are posting to platform 1 order, but to delete and replace you need 2 orders. So modifying should be better for the platform behavior.



13.08.2020 16:15

Attachment build mode.png added

build mode.png
(28.84 KiB)
all my strategies are without replacing pending orders, when I export the strategy to mt4 it should appear as false replace pending orders NOT TRUE.

Tomas Brynda

21.09.2020 11:58

Status changed from New to Refused

Hankeys is right, those are different settings. "Replacing pending orders" settingĀ  is set inside the strategy and cannot be modified in EA parameters.

ModifyInsteadOfReplacing is a performance optimizing option that modifies existing pending order instead of creating a new one thus limiting the total orders count.

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