129.302 AW does not keep same Multi TF Charts when importing strategy

For some reason, some of my Multi TF Strategies do not give AW the right chart information.

With the same strategy, I'll get a Null value for sub chart 4 in AW and the some values are misplaced. While in the builder, the settings are completely fine.

I do not believe this data is being preserved in AW properly. I will try and make a new strategy to upload for an example later if needed.

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority High




17.08.2020 00:00

Task created



29.08.2020 23:31
Voted for this task.

Tomas Brynda

30.10.2020 08:06

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Ahoj Kubo, 

debugoval jsem to a XML se nastavuje spravne, tam problem neni. 

Problem je v tom, ze se nastaveni chartu neprenasi automaticky do Data settings. Kdyz pak probehne backtest, <Datas> v XML se prepisou podle posledniho nastaveni chartu v backtestu.

Tam jsou ale zastarale hodnoty - viz screeny. 

Kdyz to upravis tak, aby se zmena v Strategy charts hned projevila i v Data settings, tak se to tim vyresi.

Votes: +1

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