Mac version- Unable to Drag & Drop

Unable to relocate items using drag and drop for tasks or views in both Custom Projects and any databank view construction in builder or re-tester.

The item can be picked up and dragged but its impossible to drop it in the required location, it just returns back to its original place.

Mac version build 129.348

  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




28.09.2020 14:22

Task created


Tomas Brynda

13.11.2020 18:54
Unfortunately the drag & drop functionality doesn't work on Mac and certain Windows versions.

It is an issue of the embedded JxBrowser. We are testing every new version of JxBrowser, hopefully they will fix it in the future.



16.11.2020 07:48

Attachment Screenshot 2020-11-16 at 134548.png added

Screenshot 2020-11-16 at 134548.png
(20.25 KiB)
OK If that is the problem then while you wait to fix this in the future can you at least add the ability to move tasks up or down in the Custom Projects in the same way that we can move databanks left or right? Some of my custom projects have many tasks in them and if I want to amend or add to the workflow I sometimes have to delete many lower tasks to insert a new one higher up the list.


16.11.2020 09:09
ok, we will add  Move up/Move down options to the context menu


16.11.2020 11:06
Voted for this task.


16.11.2020 11:12
That would be very helpful thanks.

Just for the your information, I can drag and drop in Algo Wizard in build 130 so it does work in this version. So Im not sure why it doesn't work in the main SQX.



19.11.2020 03:17
Great. Thanks adding these, much appreciated.

Votes: +1

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