Discrepancy in generated MQ5 code between "Source code" and bulk save


The bulk save to MQ5 function does not generate the same code as in "Source code" tab. I thought that the bulk save uses the last settings from "Source code" but it doesn't. 

Attached is the MQ5 codes generated by each and you can see that two parameters are not available in the bulk generated file. Attached is an example. 

Screenshot 2020-10-01 153747.jpg
(93.80 KiB)
Screenshot 2020-10-01 153832.jpg
(70.03 KiB)
Strategy 817145 - from Source code.mq5
(207.95 KiB)
Strategy 817145 - Bulk Save.mq5
(207.79 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




01.10.2020 14:46

Task created


Tomas Brynda

08.10.2020 08:06

Status changed from New to Fixed

We have recently fixed it so that the save through databank menu reflects the parameter settings in source code tab.

The generated source code should be the same. 

This fix will be present in the next release.

Best regards,


Votes: 0

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