Nothing happens no matter what I click

I created a custom project. 

I create around 30 tasks. 28 tasks is retest strategies. After I configure 28 tasks to different instruments, timeframe and date. 
SQx is stuck. No matter what I click, I can click, but no respond at all. 

I tested few times, sometime I configure the settings for 1,3,5 tasks then SQx will stuck. It kind of random with the number of tasks that I configured.

Thank you

(16.34 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal



Lee Guan Chuan

03.10.2020 17:20

Task created



08.10.2020 09:40

Status changed from New to Fixed

You can try to increase the memory size on Configure dialog.

Some users have more than 100 tasks and it works for them.

We did some improvements so it should work better in the next version.


Lee Guan Chuan

08.10.2020 10:03
Okay. Thanks Tamas.

Votes: 0

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