Genealogy Log or Family Tree

Please allow the option to show a map of the evolution of each strategy (at least show a few generations at least in the logs if not a map) so we can see better the effects of changing the mutation and crossover settings (and also help find bugs and request features to improve the process) We don't need it to be always on. Maybe just when debugging logs are turned on to save CPU.

Strat.1.1.1(AB)  --mutating----> Strat.2.1.1(AC)
Strat.1.1.2(DE)  + Strat.1.1.3(FG) --crossover-breeding-2-children-from-2-parents---->  Strat.2.2.3(DG) + Strat.2.2.2(FE)
Strat.1.1.4(HI)   --no-crossover--no-mutation---> Strat.1.1.4(HI)

(The letters in brackets represent the entry and exit parts of each strategy, I wouldn't necessarily expect to see exit or entry rules in the map or logs.)

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




28.10.2020 18:18

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28.10.2020 18:19
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