Bug?, CPU Wont utilize 100% when (Genetic Options>Island) Set to 1, Changed it higher and it worked :), To you attention

So i built my new machine around the new AMD AM4 Ryzen 9 5950X,
Tried different SQX settings etc..,

And i saw that SQX wont use my whole CPU at 100%, it was floating around 30%~40%,
so i started digging in,

Tried the General Settings etc, and it didnt work, still had that 30~40% CPU utilization no matter what,

And then when i tried to play around with the Genetic Options i increased the number of Islands and Vwalla!, only then it was utilizing my CPU at 100% :)

To you attention :).
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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




11.11.2020 16:03

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11.11.2020 16:03
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11.11.2020 16:31
this is known...for my 48 cores i need to have 8 islands to run full

Mark Fric

18.11.2020 10:18

Status changed from New to Refused

yes, it is intentional, if you have mre cores like in your case then use more islands to get higher CPU utilization.

It is made like this because it is not simple to scale it to work to the max CPU on both low and high end processors, but it is simple to do it by increasing number of islands.

Size of population could also have an effect.

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